Strategic Turnaround and Optimized Cost Structures for Regaining Profitable Growth
Stagnation and weak profits may have strategic and/or operative problems, each with the need for appropriate response. Proactive and timely action is decisive for a successful and less painful turnaround. Implementing a turnaround concept is always a transformation management challenge.
Within the last 10 years, dewey & partner have conducted various national and international restructuring assignments within the manufacturing industry for concept development as well as for implementation. Also within these turnaround assignments, proceedings, methods, roles & responsibilities between client and consultants as well as implementation focus of the dewey & partner approach is guided by the dp transformation philosophy. And this approach is likewise adapted to the client organization, from small and medium sized familiy businesses to large multinational organizations. With focus on technology firms the developed restructuring concepts do achieve the required detail level without loosing the comprehensive strategic picture. Thereby, dewey & partner is able to gain the concept support from all important stakeholder groups, from directors to employees.
Function analysis, Cost Analysis, Value Analysis, Structural Decision Trees, Benchmarking, Check Lists and Interview Guidelines are basic tools of dewey & partner which are subject to continuous improvement by after project action reviews.