„Value Through Transformation“
In global markets, sustainable competitive strategies do increasingly depend on superior business systems: Collaboration, Speed and Flexibility are decisive differentiators along with otherwise more and more similar market offerings.
This is where Dewey & Partner together with its customers starts to develop a winning strategy – self-financed new strategic direction and restructuring by effective transformation management. For an economically feasible transformation concept, the programmatic integration of the ICT Management is crucial. The 'Internet of Things' incurs chances and risks likewise. Whole industries are currently under IT-driven change: Public Administration (e-government), Automotive (Car2Car, Car2Infrastructure), Health (e-health), Manufacturing (Industry 4.0), Power Supply (Smart Grid) or Public Safety (Border Control or Network Centric Warfar).
Typical business situations, in which talking with Dewey & Partner is worthwhile, are:
- Significant changes in the company's strategic environment are noticed, which raise the question about internal change necessity. However a goal and concrete change demand are not yet grasped.
- Strategic business initiatives for flexibility and acceleration of the business systems and processes are being discussed or planned
- Transformation management requirements in response to strategic initiatives such as restructurings, de-/mergers, ex-/internalization of functions or business fields and alike
- Design and implementation of horizontal and vertical value-adding partnerships (VAPs)
- Long-term decisions under extreme volatility in the business environment need to be made; a precise understanding of the elasticity of influencing factors, controlling of preconditions and an early warning system is of utmost importance
- The value potential of the intellectual property of the organization shall be realised, e.g. to refinance business innovations
- Search for leading organizational models to support the necessary traction between Business and ICT to enable „Business Process Engineering“.