Creating a sustainable IT Strategy
- Defining valid parameters for IT, for example a ‘work order’ as a result of a restructuring concept, without value adding freedom of creation.
- Managing new, unplanned requirements outside the approved project portfolio and budget
- Too late involvement of IT in the process of a M&A
- Statements like: ‘IT is good as long as there are no escalations’
Most CIOs have made acquaintance with this kind of stereotypes, which mostly are a result of poor integration of the IT into strategic business development.
The solution lies in a clear –cut, sustainable and balanced business strategy in which the IT forms the central enabler within the business system in order to provide flexibility, speed and efficiency. But why exactly is this link missing so often?
Who in IT today can claim owning a fully documented and continuously updated strategy? But isn’t that the essential prerequisite for being understood, knowing the strategic implications of IT for the business and thus opening new doors?
Dewey & Partner can look back on years of experience in developing strategies in business as well as IT. Out of this experience we created an integrated strategy – creation process which has successfully been applied in many cases. It is based upon established practices of strategic management, enhanced practices in special questions and a constant exchange between business and IT.