IM Governance: Decisive rules for effective IT management on 8 levels
Unclear IT governance is often root cause for customer sdissatisfaction within business, loss of key personnel and missed targets.
Clear rules in accountabilities and responsibilities, from project portfolio and budgeting, via standard setting and change management to operations and supplier management are the foundation for professional business conduct and goal accomplishment.
Furthermore, the CIO organization can establish itself on 8 levels from traditional service provisioning to the business model to an integral part of the business model. This is findamental for an organization to lead competition by business system innovations.
Roles and responsibilities within IT as well as with the business need to be developed with a combined organisation and governance approach. A mere reduction on the central/decentral question leads to ineffective decision making as well as inefficient operational management. dp is a specialist in the development of coherent leadership models for information management within enterprises: Target oriented, compliant and accepted between the various stakeholders. In many cases we have been able to resolve long lasting arguments within organisations and helped to regain again the urgently needed momentum within information Management in support of their Business.