Process Management System to increase the maturity of distributed operations
Integrated IT Services with contributions from various organizational units only possible by means of common processes
In context of a broader change program for professionalizing the IT management of a leading corporation, dewey & partner were assigned to conceptualize a process management system as binding operation governance across the whole organization. Together with an internal expert team valueable internal good practices were gathered and build into dp concepts at best effort, thus minimizing behavioural change requirements to the absolute necessary. dp created a new management framework under which IT processes for projects and services are defined, documented and implemented in the future. To achieve a high level of emplyoee acceptance was always a dominant criteria.
A prpocess management system describes the common approach for developing, implementing and maintaining defined core processes through their life cycle. Definitions, work flows, roles & responsibilities, metrics as well as tools and templates are defined so as to enable common work modes and language across a diversified organisation. This is also the necessary basis for benchmarking and performance management.